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Hi, I'm Jessie!

I'm a fitness coach who helps people learn to love the process - and the results! - of getting strong.


I want to help you feel great about your body - not only how it looks, but also what it can do.


I really, really, REALLY love working out and sooner or later, you'll be forced to admit that my enthusiasm is contagious.



My 1-on-1 coaching will give you the structure, technique, and motivation you need to achieve your goals. I train clients at gyms throughout Dubai or in their own homes. 

Group Training 

Fitness is more fun with friends! Join a small group session for a competitive push or for the social buzz... be prepared to bond over shared suffering and shared results. 

Corporate Wellness

Healthy, happy people who are crushing their fitness goals make better employees. I help businesses to build customized, inclusive wellness programs that boost productivity and morale.



Not in Dubai? No worries - I can kick your butt from miles away! I create workouts tailored to your specific needs & equipment - you can do them your own, or with live coaching via Zoom.


Aspiring Athletes

Whether you’re training for your first 5k, hoping to add 10 kilos to your bench press, or thinking of trying out an obstacle race - I LOVE helping people achieve an athletic goal. My clients include high school tennis players who want to build speed & power, yoga teachers who want to get stronger, CrossFit athletes preparing for a local throw-down, and 50 year-old women bound & determined to get their first pull-up!

Everyday Joes

& Jamilas

I get it - enough with the rah-rah sports stuff, some people just want to lose a few kilos, improve their health markers, or fit into that old pair of jeans at the back of the closet. But I can bring out the athlete in anyone - couch potatoes included! - and guess what? Form follows function, so if we make you a better athlete… you’ll look better naked, too!

Pregnant & Postpartum Women

Let’s face it, childbirth is an athletic event - the best thing you can do to help your body prepare for an easy, healthy delivery is to TRAIN FOR IT! Similarly, a structured postpartum fitness program can help ease your body AND your mind into new motherhood. My clients have squatted heavy into their last trimester, rebuilt core strength post-birth, and found an emotional outlet to channel the joys & the stressors of being a new mom.

Special Populations

 My clients include individuals with autism, people suffering from obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, patients recovering from bariatric surgery, teens, senior citizens, and brave souls battling anxiety & depression. I take the biggest satisfaction from training people who have the most challenges to overcome on the road to fitness, and I firmly believe that EVERYONE can do SOMETHING.


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 "Jessie pushes me to do things I never thought I was capable of. She has given me confidence to believe in myself, leaving me feeling proud, strong, and capable.


Her enthusiasm is contagious - out of all the trainers I have worked with, she is by far the most effective. I am thrilled with the results!"

—  Karen Spencer - Atlanta, Georgia

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